Foxys Commands

Report a bug in the bot.
Usage: /report-bug {text}
Suggest a feature or improvement.
Usage: /suggest {text}
Donate to support the bot.
Usage: /donate
/ticket create
Create a new ticket with the specified details.
Usage: /ticket create {category} {channel} {staff-role} {buttontext} {ticket-title} {ticket-desc}
/ticket list
List all active tickets.
Usage: /ticket list
Close an active ticket.
Usage: /ticket-close
Remove a ticket from the system.
Usage: /ticket-remove {ticket-id}
Start a giveaway.
Usage: /gstart {duration} {prize} {winners} {channel}
Reroll a giveaway.
Usage: /greroll {message-id}
/set welcome
Set the welcome channel.
Usage: /set welcome {channel}
/set goodbye
Set the goodbye channel.
Usage: /set goodbye {channel}
/set pex-depex-channels
Set channels for permission exceptions or deprecations.
Usage: /set pex-depex-channels {channel}
/update welcome-desc
Update the welcome message description.
Usage: /update welcome-desc {description}
/update goodbye-desc
Update the goodbye message description.
Usage: /update goodbye-desc {description}
Issue a warning to a user.
Usage: /warn {user} {reason}
Remove a warning from a user.
Usage: /warn-remove {user} {warning-id}
List all warnings for a user.
Usage: /warnings {user}
Check the bot's latency.
Usage: /ping
Show a user's avatar.
Usage: /avatar {user}
Display information about the server.
Usage: /serverinfo
Display the server's icon.
Usage: /servericon
Display information about the bot.
Usage: /botinfo
Display information about a user.
Usage: /userinfo {user}
Get support server link.
Usage: /support
Get the voting link.
Usage: /vote
Generate a fake nitro code.
Usage: /nitro
pp size estimate.
Usage: /pp {user}
Put a user in a virtual jail.
Usage: /jail {user}
Display a triggered image.
Usage: /triggered {user}
Send a fake tweet.
Usage: /tweet {message}
Display a wasted image.
Usage: /wasted {user}
Gay Maschine Calculator
Usage: /gay {user}
lesbian Maschine Calculator
Usage: /lesbian {user}
Ask the magic 8-ball a question.
Usage: /8ball {question}
Generate a RIP image.
Usage: /rip {user}
Make a cat say something.
Usage: /catsay {message}
Convert text to ASCII art.
Usage: /ascii {text}
/set confess-channel
Set the channel for confessions.
Usage: /set confess-channel {channel}
Submit a confession.
Usage: /confess {message}
Ban a user from the server.
Usage: /ban {user} {reason}
Unban a user from the server.
Usage: /unban {user}
Clear messages from a channel.
Usage: /clear {amount}
Kick a user from the server.
Usage: /kick {user} {reason}
Nuke a channel (delete all messages).
Usage: /nuke {channel}
Lock a channel.
Usage: /lock {channel}
Unlock a channel.
Usage: /unlock {channel}
Timeout a user.
Usage: /timeout {user} {duration}
/automod keyword
Set up automatic moderation for keywords.
Usage: /automod keyword {keyword}
/automod spam-messages
Set up automatic moderation for spam messages.
Usage: /automod spam-messages {threshold}
/automod mention-spam
Set up automatic moderation for mention spam.
Usage: /automod mention-spam {threshold}
/automod flagged-words
Set up automatic moderation for flagged words.
Usage: /automod flagged-words {word}
Generate an invite link for the bot.
Usage: /invite
Generate an invitation for a bot
Usage: /invitegen {bot-id}
Get the ID of an emoji.
Usage: /id-emoji {emoji-name}
Perform a mathematical calculation.
Usage: /math {expression}
Assign or remove a role from a user.
Usage: /role {user} {type:add/remove} {role}
/webhook create
Create a new webhook.
Usage: /webhook create {name} {avatar} {channel}
/webhook list
List all webhooks.
Usage: /webhook list
/webhook send
Send a message via a webhook.
Usage: /webhook send {webhook-link} {message}
/webhook delete
Delete a webhook.
Usage: /webhook delete {webhook-link}
Manage permission exceptions and deprecations.
Usage: /pex-depex {type:pex/depex} {old-role} {new-role} {reason}
/rp cry
Cry in RP.
Usage: /rp cry
/rp dance
Dance in RP.
Usage: /rp dance
/rp hug
Hug someone in RP.
Usage: /rp hug {user}
/rp kill
Kill someone in RP.
Usage: /rp kill {user}
/rp kiss
Kiss someone in RP.
Usage: /rp kiss {user}
/rp respect
Show respect in RP.
Usage: /rp respect {user}
Show a random cat picture.
Usage: /cat
Show a random dog picture.
Usage: /dog
Play a game of Tic-Tac-Toe.
Usage: /tris {user}